Friday, January 23, 2009

Rising up and Above

On Wednesday I saw blue sky.

Real blue sky, and I felt the Sun.

I had forgotten how warm the sun was when unobstructed by particles in the air. I bathed in the delicious warmth every time the Mueller Park Trail turned south to receive direct sunlight as I snowshoed my way up, out of, and above the muck. It was a gorgeous, beautiful, peaceful day.

I'm so glad my parents taught me to appreciate the outdoors and introduced me to activities I can engage in to get myself out of the valley and the bad air! When I reached my final destination, Elephant rock, I turned to look westward. I had gotten high enough to see the Oqquhirs for the first time in SEVERAL days.

And between here and there was a thick, brown, hazy cloud engulfing the city. It kind of made me throw up in my mouth a little bit. Okay A LOT! Yuck . . . so if you are reading this and live in the valley, Please, please, please DO NOT RUN OR WALK OUTSIDE because all that thick, brown, haziness will be going in your lungs...and you will be lucky if you only loose one!

1 comment:

Tristen and Scott said...

Aren't you glad you work in a hospital so you can at least breath clean air while you're at work? The air is disgusting! I'm at work watching it get nastier by the minute. Where are you guys living now? How did med school interviews go?