Monday, January 26, 2009

Meet Bella Marie!

And then there were three! Lloyds that is...

Name : Bella Marie Lloyd
Age: 8 weeks
Color: Whitish yellow
Eyes: Brown
Wght: 12 lbs
Hght: 14 in

Favorite Things:
Walmart Duck that quacks
Tennis Balls
Petco Treats
Sitting on mommy's lap and chewing leash

Least Favorite Things
Green Squeaky Football
Green brush
When someone is standing on the opposite side of the baby gate

Bella was born on November 29, 2008 and joined her new family on January 24, 2009. She is a gorgeous yellow/white labrador retriever and is so sweet. Jentry and Heidi are so excited to have her in their lives!


Tristen and Scott said...

Very cute. Is this dog quenching some unmentioned baby hunger?

Ms. Morley said...

Beautiful puppy!!